Return and refund policy is an on-demand printing website; all goods are one-of-a-kind and custom-made. Returning and exchanging products is not permitted for the following reasons: making blunders in size, color, and quantity selection. Once an order is put into production, it is delivered to the manufacturer, and you will no longer be able to change or cancel the purchase. If the shipping information is inaccurate, resulting in the loss or damage of products, we are also not liable and will not provide a replacement or refund. As a result, please carefully fill out and double-check the order details. After 8 hours of successfully placing the order, your order will no longer be editable or refundable.

However, if a problem occurs, such as manufacturing problems, printing flaws, or other comparable concerns, we may provide a free replacement order. Please notify us through email at as manufacturing problems, printing flaws, or other comparable concerns, we may provide a free replacement order. Please notify us through email at [email protected] with all the relevant information and a photo of the damaged product within 7 days of receipt. We will do everything necessary to rectify the problem and give you the best option possible, depending on whether a replacement or refund is available. If you are qualified, you will be responsible for paying your own shipping charges to 228 Walnut St, Harrisburg, PA 17101, US. The shipping fees will be reimbursed.

From: Haotees Team